The function tidy_players_meta() is meant to be a user-friendly way of getting metadata about the selected players.

  players_id = NULL,
  keep_id = FALSE,
  return_datatable = getOption("", TRUE)



(optional) Integer vector indicating the NHL ID of players for whom the metadata will be returned. Default to NULL which will return every players in the NHL database.


(optional) Logical indicating if the IDs of different dimensions should be returned. Default to FALSE.


(optional) Logical indicating whether or not a data.table should be returned. Default can be set globally with options("").


# Allowing large outputs for the pkgdown website options(width = 1000L) # Get metadata of every players in the NHL database tidy_players_meta()
#> player_name player_active player_roster_status player_number player_position player_position_type player_nationality player_birth_country player_birth_stateprovince player_birth_city player_birth_date player_dead player_death_date player_inches player_pounds player_hand player_rookie player_hof player_hof_year player_nhl_100 team_abbreviation #> 1: Henry Harris FALSE N 12 R F CAN CAN ON Kenora 1906-04-28 TRUE <NA> 71 185 L FALSE FALSE NA FALSE <NA> #> 2: Gordon Spence FALSE N 12 L F CAN CAN ON Haileybury 1897-07-25 TRUE <NA> 67 150 L FALSE FALSE NA FALSE <NA> #> 3: Ron Hudson FALSE N 15 C F CAN CAN AB Calgary 1911-07-14 TRUE 1984-10-11 68 148 L FALSE FALSE NA FALSE <NA> #> 4: Norm Johnson FALSE N 6 C F CAN CAN SK Moose Jaw 1932-11-27 TRUE <NA> 70 170 L FALSE FALSE NA FALSE <NA> #> 5: Reg Abbott FALSE N 4 C F CAN CAN MB Winnipeg 1930-02-04 FALSE <NA> 71 164 L FALSE FALSE NA FALSE <NA> #> --- #> 20599: Tyler Johnson FALSE N NA G G USA USA NY AMHERST 1998-02-07 FALSE <NA> 76 192 R FALSE NA NA FALSE <NA> #> 20600: Cody Karpinski FALSE N NA G G USA USA IL CHICAGO 1992-06-16 FALSE <NA> 73 192 L FALSE NA NA FALSE <NA> #> 20601: Dominic Cormier FALSE N NA D D CAN CAN NB MONCTON 1998-01-02 FALSE <NA> 71 181 L FALSE NA NA FALSE <NA> #> 20602: Matthew Miller FALSE N NA D D USA USA OH EAST PALESTINE 1995-08-22 FALSE <NA> 73 204 L FALSE NA NA FALSE <NA> #> 20603: Jack Duff FALSE N NA D D <NA> CAN ON KINGSTON 2000-01-23 FALSE <NA> 75 220 R FALSE NA NA FALSE <NA>
# Get metadata about both Vincent Lecavalier and Carey Price, keeping the IDs tidy_players_meta(players_id = c(8467329L, 8471679L), keep_id = TRUE)
#> player_id player_name player_active player_roster_status player_number player_position player_position_type player_nationality player_birth_country player_birth_stateprovince player_birth_city player_birth_date player_dead player_death_date player_inches player_pounds player_hand player_rookie player_hof player_hof_year player_nhl_100 team_id team_abbreviation #> 1: 8467329 Vincent Lecavalier FALSE N 44 C F CAN CAN QC Ile Bizard 1980-04-21 FALSE <NA> 76 215 L FALSE FALSE NA FALSE NA <NA> #> 2: 8471679 Carey Price TRUE Y 31 G G CAN CAN BC Anahim Lake 1987-08-16 FALSE <NA> 75 220 L FALSE FALSE NA FALSE 8 MTL